When you are growing your business, you can’t avoid running short of cash. The demand and expenses increases as your business is developing, so you may need more and more cash to uplift your business status. The barter system for getting goods and services dates back many centuries. In most cultures the barter system was […]
As a small company owner, sometimes you’re expected to be an expert in state law and compliance. Well then pay attention because this may affect you if your business is starting to reach across state lines or your company was formed and registered out of state. An area of continued mis-understanding surrounds “foreign-qualification” (Doing business in multiple […]
… and stick it to Wall Street at the same time! Sounds like the best of both worlds to us! In November 2009 Ellen Brown wrote at AlterNet that bailing out the banking system “…has only fixed the economy for bankers and the wealthy; it has not done much to address either the fundamental problem […]